
CSS = Cascading Style Sheets play a important role in web design after writing html codes, allowing designer to control the presentation and layout of web pages, break all html limits, and design a complete webpage. In this complete css guide, we'll explore CSS fundamentals to you become proficient in creating visually appealing and responsive web pages. Current latest version of css is css3, Including colors, 2d and 3d animations layouts, media query and fonts. CSS allows web developers to control the appearance of their web pages. We can build complete responsive pages with css or html. If you don't know about what is HTML please check out our blog.

There are three types of css.

  1. Inline css
  2. Internal css
  3. External css

1. Inline css

Inline CSS refers to the practice of applying styles directly within the HTML tags, rather than in a separate external stylesheet file. In this approach, CSS rules are included directly within the HTML tags, using the "style" attribute. This allows for the customization of individual elements with specific styles.

2. Internal css

Internal CSS, also known as embedded or in-line CSS, involves placing style definitions directly within the HTML document, typically within the document's head section. This approach allows developers to apply specific styles to individual elements without the need for an external stylesheet. The styles are defined using the style tag with CSS rules enclosed within.

3. External css

External CSS refers to the practice of separating the style definitions from the HTML content by placing them in a standalone external stylesheet file. This file typically carries a filename with ".css" extension and contains a collection of rules that dictate the visual presentation of HTML elements. By using external CSS, web developers can centralize and organize their styling information, making it easier to manage, maintain, and apply consistent styles across multiple web pages. This is professional way to write css code.

FAQs About CSS

1. What is CSS, and why is it important?

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a stylesheet language used to define the presentation of HTML or XML documents. It's crucial for creating visually engaging websites by controlling elements' colors, layouts, 2d and 3d animations and fonts etc.

2. What is the CSS Box Model?

The CSS Box Model is a fundamental concept defining how elements are structured. It comprises the content area, padding, border, and margin. Understanding the box model is essential for precise layout design of content.

3. What are media queries, and how do they contribute to responsiveness?

Media queries are CSS techniques used to apply different styles based on device characteristics or screen sizes according to your needs. They are crucial for creating responsive designs that adapt to various viewing environments in different screen sizes.

4. How can I make a responsive navigation bar?

Create a responsive navigation bar by utilizing HTML and CSS. Employ flexbox or grid layout properties and incorporate media queries to adjust the layout for different screen sizes. Then you also use Javascript to add click events in your menubar to open or close it.

5. How can I override styles in CSS?

Override styles by using more specific selectors or the !important declaration. However, exercise caution with !important to avoid potential maintenance challenges but it will help you to override your css properties.

6. Can CSS be used with JavaScript?

Yes, CSS can be dynamically manipulated with JavaScript. Use JavaScript to change styles, toggle classes, or modify the DOM based on user interactions or events.

7. What should i do after learn css?

At Eagle Mahi, We will help you guide complete with our blogs. After learning css you must need to learn Javascript programming language. If you want to know what is JavaScript read our blog on it.


Mastering CSS is a journey that involves continuous learning and practice your css techniques. This guide, provides a solid foundation to enhance your CSS skills. As you delve deeper into the world of web development, experimentation and hands-on experience will be your greatest source. Happy coding!
